The world lost an incredible mother, wife, daughter, friend, attorney, underprivileged advocate, and community member suddenly and unexpectedly on October 16, 2013. In honor of my late wife, Holli Wallace, I am training for the Hallucination 100 mile trail run and raising money for the Children's Grief Center of the Great Lakes Bay Region.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Run commute postponed

Well, the bad news is that I had to postpone my first run commute to SVSU. I forgot that I had to present awards to students at our annual sociology conference. The conference ran until 8 and I knew I wouldn't feel like getting home any later then that. Congratulations to Nick, who was in the first class I taught at SVSU and won the Graduating Sociology Student of the Year. He is off to the Peace Corp and, I am sure, great things after that.

On a side note, I've secured funding for a research trip to Cuba in May! Yup, I get to spend 10 days studying their agricultural system and cool things like worm composting. I love my job and, yes, since it is my job it is even legal.


Drusy said...

Hey Brian, Thanks very much for sponsoring me for the London Marathon, and coaching me on fundraising! With only three weeks to go now, I'm enjoying the taper and trying to avoid gaining weight.
Wow Cuba sounds fascinating! Many thanks!!!

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